The Beacham – Orlando, FL – 2.12.2018
Words and photos by Brooke Champine
Last night, I had the opportunity to photograph rock band Broadside on their Orlando stop on the Get Free Tour with Silverstein and Tonight Alive. Broadside is a band that I have been wanting to see live for ages, and they definitely did not disappoint.
The stage went dim and all members walked out, the audience cheering. This was a hometown show for three of the members, so the energy level was high. Opening with ‘Simple Type’, fans excitedly sang along, even getting a little rowdy. This was the perfect song to open to, even in the photo pit I could feel the energy and excitement all around.
The vocals of Oliver Baxxter were all that I’d hoped for. He had that distinct uniqueness to his voice on stage that he has on the recorded albums, which made it all the more a better experience.
As the band went through their short but sweet setlist, mosh pits emerged in the crowd, and many sang along happily. Their closing song ‘Coffee Talk’ was the perfect song to end with. It is from an older album so many Broadside fans knew the words to this high energy song. Coffee Talk is one of my favorite songs by this band because of how upbeat it is. I belted the lyrics out last night for sure.
Overall, Broadside has a fantastic stage performance and are definitely a band that everyone should see live, if not check out online if you’ve never heard their music. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for them as they grow as a band.